Foundation to leadership

Master powerful tools and strategies to excel as a standout leader. Drive exceptional results, inspire teams, and shape your industry legacy. Unleash your leadership potential today.

Who is this for?

Architect, Designers or Engineer with >5 years of experience.


Your firm is looking for support in training your staff.


You are someone that leads a team, or has others reporting to you.


You are in a firm leadership role for your office.




Self-paced course


Over 13 hours of recorded content


4 challenges


Recommended schedule is provided


You get unlimited access!


This course is the cornerstone of the program, providing a holistic approach to skills development. Through a series of engaging lessons and practical challenges, participants will gain the following and more:


The course is split into three sections starting with the most internal and working towards the firm and community level. Each section is broken into subsections that are in manageable chunks of time to work into your busy schedule. Some subsections are broken into two parts to help keep the content in valuable chunks of time. The whole course is flexible to work with your schedule AND you will have unlimited access so you can revisit any topic for a refresher in the future. 

Course Preview


Foundation to Leadership Curriculum

Section 1 : Personal
Section 2 : Team
Section 3 : Organization


The Foundation to Leadership course investment:


per person

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